Well, it’s done. I’ve decided to finally get back on the blog scene (haha, could you imagine if I was using that term, blog scene, seriously?)
Not sure what that means really. Not sure what kind of shenanigans I’ll get up to. Â I do know that it’ll be a lot easier and faster to write and update than Ye Olde Website so hopefully you’ll have more things to read, and more reasons to come back and say hello.
Essentially I feel like Facebook is ruining the internet, so rather than post little tid-bits there, I’ll post lots of tid-bits here. Ones that require a bit of effort. A bit more thought process, a bit more concentration.
What will I write about? Uhmm… Tough call. I guess the usual ramblings. I’m sure I’ll continue to post funny photos I find on Reddit or Fark or whatever. But I’m embarking on some endeavours that I think are interesting, and perhaps worth blogging about:
- I’m getting a personal training certification (let me know if you want to hire me!)
- Running an 80 km ultramarathon in a few weeks, The Tenderfoot Boogie
- Training to run a sub 3-hour marathon
- Eating a Paleo Diet in the hopes of achieving caveman strength, super health, and a digestive system that works properly
- Working on my website, www.dreamsofmine.com
- Training my dog to run and to pull in a harness
- Trying desperately to save money and learn to invest
- Trying to sell my truck and buy a fuel efficient beater hatchback (or, more likely, a 1990 BMW 318is.)
So these are some of the things I might be writing about. I’ll try to tag them appropriately so you can avoid the fitness related ones if you want!