The departure to Leadville happens in T-minus 5 days. Or is it T-minus 4 days? I don’t actually know how the “T-minus” system works, but let’s assume that “T-minus 0 days” is the day of, so one starts to say “T-minus 23 hours” and so on. Which makes sense. So I am right.

The departure to Leadville happens in T-minus 5 days. Or is it T-minus 4 days? I don’t actually know how the “T-minus” system works, but let’s assume that “T-minus 0 days” is the day of, so one starts to say “T-minus 23 hours” and so on. Which makes sense. So I am right.

Ed and Abby picked us up a bunch of shit from Trader Joe’s during their little visit to the United States of America, which was nice. We got some plantain chips, some preservative-free beef jerky (unfortunately it has wheat in it, but whatever, better than Migraine-Headache-of-Satan inducing Sodium Nitrite!) and a rash of other goodies. I love that word. Rash.

Ok so I didn’t use it exactly correctly but whatever. Learn something new every day, and today I learned to unlearn something I thought I’d learned previously.

Perhaps I was confused with a “rash of bacon” which it turns out is also wrong:

Rasher. Sounds like a Skate Magazine from the 90’s.

By the way if you search for “A rash of bacon definition” in Google Images, you’ll come across a photo of a girl who is super stoked to be on the rowing machine. Which is excellent, because you all know how much I love the row!

So get out there and hit that Concept 2 rower hard, and when you’re done, reward yourself with a rasher.

She knows she's getting some bacon later, for breakfast.